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ONES Latest Release: Elevate Your SONiC Orchestration with EVPN, APIs & More

We, at Aviz Networks, are dedicated to continuously optimizing processes, strengthening your SONiC network, and bringing the best version of our every service at your fingertips.

Moving a step ahead in our journey, we are thrilled to announce the release of ONES 1.3. This latest version is armed with advanced features, specially designed to enhance your orchestration and Day 2 operations experience. Here’s an article by our Fabric Manager Team that deep dives into the remarkable additions and benefits of ONES 1.3.

Redefining Network Redundancy with EVPN Multihoming

EVPN Multihoming (EVPN MH) stands out as our star feature in ONES 1.3. Its cutting-edge technology takes over from the traditional Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation Group (MC-LAG) setup—offering a new paradigm in terms of server redundancy, high availability, load balancing, and scalability. EVPN MH brings in a level of resilience that ensures your SONiC network remains operational even in the face of failures. With its increased bandwidth and scalability, it’s a game changer for organizations aiming to optimize their network infrastructure.

Maximizing Reliability with L2/L3 Vxlan EVPN

While EVPN Multihoming is a critical addition, ONES 1.3 also builds upon the solid foundation laid by its predecessor. Features like L2 VxLAN (Asymmetric IRB) and L3 VxLAN (Symmetric IRB) – initially introduced in ONES 1.2 – power up your SONiC network fabric with enhanced reliability through mechanisms like MC-LAG and EVPN MH. These features seamlessly integrate into your network architecture to create a robust fabric that ensures your data center operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Deployment Verification Status in ONES Configurations Page

Safeguarding Your Configuration with Backup and Restore

Besides focusing on advanced networking, ONES 1.3 also addresses the critical need for configuration management. Its new Config Backup and Restore feature empowers users to take proactive measures in securing their network configurations. They now get the option to create backups of their device configurations within the fabric. This provides a safety net, allowing every user to confidently experiment with configurations while having the flexibility to restore to the previous state in case anything goes awry.

Restore Configuration in ONES

Unlock Automation Potential with ONES API Support

Our latest version brings automation to the forefront by introducing comprehensive API support. All orchestration and management functionalities are seamlessly integrated into the ONES user interface through APIs. This not only enhances the user experience but also allows you to harness the power of automation in your data center operations. A wide range of APIs, including uploadDay1Config, getDay1ConfigStatus, rebootRequest, upgradeNOSImage, and more, are at your disposal—enabling you to streamline and expedite various tasks.

Here’s a glimpse of the APIs at your fingertips:

  1. uploadDay1Config: Enables intent-driven orchestration that performs Day 1 fabric orchestration for various data center topologies. This method initiates the Day 1 orchestration depending on the topology and intent supplied via a template file. This REST API allows network operators to upload an entire intent file (yaml-based) and orchestrate the entire fabric in a desired intent-based underlay and overlay.
  2. getDay1ConfigStatus: Retrieves Intent Status after provisioning over SONiC-enabled fabric devices
  3. rebootRequest: Initiates device reboots seamlessly
  4. upgradeNOSImage: Performs custom NOS image upgrades for the specific devices
  5. enableZTPUpgrade: Triggers ZTP image upgrades
  6. getImgmgmtStatus: Verifies image upgrade progress
  7. getConfigDiff: Compares current and last orchestrated config states
  8. getIntentDerivationLogs: Accesses insightful host logs information
  9. backupConfig: Safeguards device configurations through backup
  10. restoreConfig: Easily restores device configurations
  11. configsListToRestore: Views available backups for a specific device
  12. status: Retrieves deployment status logs

Day 2 Operations API: Streamline NetOps

The ONES 1.3 release also revolutionizes Day 2 operations with the introduction of the innovative replaceConfig API. This API provides a contextual diff between the current running configuration of a device and a given golden configuration file. With this insight, users can meticulously examine the differences and proceed to apply the desired changes to the device. Most importantly, the system gracefully rolls back to the base configuration of the device and ensures operational stability in case there is any issue during the application process.


Auto-discovery capability of ONES discovers SONiC devices over a secure channel and automatically collects network state data using streaming telemetry providing drill down insights including Inventory, platform & system health, control & data plane utilization and compliance.

We are proud to share that ONES 1.3 is a testament to the evolution of our SONiC network management and orchestration. With groundbreaking features like EVPN Multihoming, Config Backup and Restore, extensive API support, and the Day 2 Operations API—network administrators and IT teams can seamlessly streamline their operations, enhance reliability, and embrace the power of automation. This release reaffirms Aviz Networks’ commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower organizations to achieve operational excellence in their data centers. Together, let’s witness the future of network orchestration and management first-hand

For more information about ONES 1.3 and other Aviz Networks products, please visit https://aviznetworks.com/

To explore ONES 1.3 in action and get hands-on experience with the hardware of your choice, schedule your demo at https://aviznetworks.com/one-center 

Author: Tarun Kumar Polanki, Sr Solution Engineer


Unlocking 40% TCO Savings with Future Proof 400GbE Network Infrastructure

During my journey through the world of telecom solutions, I’ve witnessed how infrastructure inevitably becomes commoditized over time, while the true value shifts towards applications and the data and AI layer. At Aviz Networks, our mission is to lead the exact change and revolutionize networking infrastructure adoption.

What do Global 1000 companies really care about?

My experience collaborating with Global 1000 customers has three common denominators about how they approach their infrastructure needs. 

  • Stay at the cutting edge of technology
  • Make future-proof choices to adapt to changing demands
  • Save on TCO by leveraging commodity

An exciting movement towards 400GbE Network Infrastructure is currently underway. According to the IDC report, the market revenue for 200/400 GbE switches witnessed a staggering 141.3% year-on-year growth and 14.3% quarter-on-quarter growth in Q1 2023. Embracing this cutting-edge technology, coupled with SONiC’s ownership of the NOS layer, ensures future-proof choices that foster control and innovation.

 However, amid all the discussions about the merits of 400GbE, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) aspect often remains a complex calculation shrouded in mystery. The crucial question is how we can establish an inversely proportional relationship between the latest cutting-edge innovation and cost. The missing piece of this puzzle is SONiC adoption. In this blog, I aim to shed light on this critical analysis and explore how SONiC can play a vital role in driving TCO savings while embracing the power of 400GbE networks.

Can adopting SONiC lead to savings exceeding 40%? 

The industry is rapidly transitioning to 400GbE, primarily driven by this very prospect. In the past, deploying approximately 500 switches with a leading vendor and their conventional NOS could cost between $25,000 to $35,000 per 400GbE switch. However, opting for SONiC NOS with the same ASICs would cost between $12,000 to $16,000 per 400GbE switch. An impressive 40% savings. While pricing variations may arise based on customer buying power, the same purchasing advantage applies to SONiC solutions for hardware of your choosing. Overall, the total cost of ownership (TCO) savings remains at around 40% or more.

These savings aligns with executive goals:

  •  Embracing the cutting-edge 400GbE technology.
  • Ensuring future-proofing by owning the NOS and enabling greater control.
  • Achieving a TCO that truly moves the needle.

Let me share with you a concrete example of early adopters who paved the path and collaborated with Aviz to create seamless recipes for easy rollout of SONiC. Check out the eBay blog for more details.

What do you need to do to make it possible for your infrastructure?

Are you ready to take the leap into the future of networking? Aviz has developed the recipes for consuming 400GbE networks with 40% TCO savings – while commoditizing Networks and NetOps tools. Aviz ensures that the networking infrastructure is future-proofed and is 100% in customer control, has 100+ SKU choices and the customer has the ability to innovate at light speed. All with Aviz enables Normalized Community SONiC. Contact me for more information. I would love to share how I am making it happen for F500 on a daily basis for amazing and technology-savvy customers of Aviz Networks! 

To learn more, schedule a meeting with me!


ONES Multi-Vendor Stack: Speed up SONiC Deployment and Streamline NetOps with Minimum Effort


Networking data centers are a critical infrastructure for modern businesses, serving as the backbone for various services and applications. These data centers often comprise a multitude of interconnected nodes to handle the routing and processing of network traffic.

In a data center fabric, the maintenance mode on spine and leaf devices needs to be activated quite often. During this mode, the traffic flowing through the device is drained out or rerouted to other devices so that you can perform maintenance activity like replacing line cards or fixing any issue on the device by removing a device from a production environment or taking a node offline temporarily for maintenance. This ensures the services running on the node are seamlessly transferred to other available nodes without causing any downtime for users. In general, this operation is called cost-out and cost-in. The ‘cost-out’ operation drains out the traffic and the ‘cost-in’ feeds in the traffic after the drain out.

This blog explains these operations in detail. Further, it explores how you can seamlessly achieve these with SONiC as NOS and using ONES-Orchestration as a tool.

Understanding Why Cost-Out And Cost-In Operation is Necessary in Data Centers
Explore how draining plays a key role in maintaining data centers:

  • Planned Maintenance: Data Centers require maintenance activities like hardware upgrades, software updates, or network reconfigurations. Draining allows administrators to take a device offline, transfer its workload, and perform maintenance tasks without affecting service availability.
  • Capacity Planning: At times, data centers need to redistribute resources to optimize performance. Draining allows administrators to free up resources on specific devices by moving services and workloads to other devices with extra capacity. This helps in balancing the workload and avoiding resource bottlenecks.
  • Faulty Device or Component Replacement: When a device or its components (such as a hard drive, power supply, or network interface) fail, it becomes necessary to replace/repair them. Draining allows a controlled migration of services from faulty device to the functional ones. Post the replacement/repair, the device is reintegrated into the production environment.
  • Load Balancing: centers often employ load-balancing techniques to evenly distribute incoming requests and workloads across multiple devices. If a device becomes overloaded or experiences performance issues, administrators may decide to drain it to redistribute the workload to other devices. This helps to prevent service degradation/potential failures caused by an overloaded device.
  • Scheduled Downtime: Sometimes, data centers undergo planned downtime for various reasons such as infrastructure upgrades, reconfigurations, or security patches. The draining allows a smooth transition of services to other active devices, ensuring users experience minimal or no interruption in service during the scheduled downtime.

In short, draining is essential in a data center to facilitate planned maintenance, optimize capacity, replace faulty components, balance workloads, and ensure seamless service continuity during scheduled downtime. It enables administrators to maintain the data center infrastructure efficiently while minimizing disruptions for users.

How NetOps Achieve Cost-Out and Cost-In

NetOps tools generally leverage automation, programmability approach and use specific APIs either offered by NOS itself or interim custom solutions owned by them. These APIs allow NetOps tools to interact with network devices using a standard, user-friendly interface. This enables network administrators to automate tasks, configure, and extract information from the devices and interfaces within the network—thereby simplifying the process of managing complex networks. This approach provides an ability to make network changes more quickly using automated processes. Instead of relying on manual command-line interface (CLI) scripting, network administrators can use this approach to create, modify, and delete configurations across multiple devices simultaneously. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error.

Another advantage of using NetOps tools with an API is their increased agility. Similar to faster development and deployments in the DevOps cycle, NetOps tools enable rapid updates and fixes within the network. Further, network administrators can leverage data analytics to make informed decisions about which task to automate and prioritize. Here’s this procedure in a nutshell. 

‍To summarize, NetOps cost-out and cost-in process, when performed in conjunction with APIs, offer numerous benefits for network operations. They enable faster provisioning and deployment, continuous improvement, proactive remediation, and easier troubleshooting. By automating tasks and leveraging AI and ML capabilities, NetOps tools help network administrators manage complex IT infrastructures more efficiently.

A Brief Overview of ONES and ONES-Orchestration

ONES is a networking solution to simplify and streamline NetOps for multi-vendor network automation and orchestration solutions.

Together, the ONES (Open Network Enterprise Solution) and ONES-Orchestration tools provide a comprehensive solution for managing and maintaining network infrastructure. They offer seamless integration with existing network equipment along with increased flexibility, scalability, network performance, reliability, and cost savings.‍

ONES-Orchestration Integration with SONiC Fabric

ONES-Orchestration is a platform for building network automation and orchestration solutions that work with the SONiC Fabric. It provides a set of tools, libraries, and APIs, deploying, and managing multi-vendor network infrastructure. Some of the key features include:

  • Multi-Vendor Support: ONES Orchestration supports a wide range of networking equipment from different vendors, allowing organizations to build automated and orchestrated network solutions that can work with their existing infrastructure.
  • Network Automation: ONES Orchestration provides tools and libraries for automating network operations such as configuration management, network provisioning, and change management.
  • Orchestration: ONES Orchestration offers a platform for orchestrating network services such as routing, firewalling, and load balancing, across multiple devices and vendors.
  • Integration with Popular Tools: ONES Orchestration can be integrated with popular network management and monitoring tools such as Ansible, Grafana, and Nornir—allowing organizations to leverage their existing toolsets and workflows.

ONES-Orchestration API for Cost-Out and Cost-In (Day 2 Use Case)

The ONES Orchestration is a Dockerized container capable of operating on x86 systems. It provides an API for performing soft provisioning and generating a difference. The very same API can be used to finally push/apply the configuration to the devices.

At the controller, this API will identify the delta and push the delta configuration back to the device in most cases without impacting forwarding, unless the changes themselves are disruptive. ONES Orchestration can be easily integrated into the existing NetOps workflow by giving intended configuration as input. Here’s the high-level diagram of the proposed ONES Orchestration tool and API interface.‍

The Ultimate Solution for Streamlining Your NetOps (Day-2 Use Case)

The ONES Orchestration is a reliable solution for streamlining NetOps by offering seamless integration with existing network infrastructure, increased flexibility, and scalability. These technologies can help businesses tackle the challenges faced by modern network operations teams, and build robust networks to meet the demand of today’s digital world.

Implementation and Optimization

To streamline your NetOps with SONiC Fabric and ONES Solutions, here are some next steps to consider:

  1. Research about compatible switching hardware and choose the switches that meet your organization’s requirements
  2. Download and install SONiC on the chosen switches, following the provided installation packages and documentation
  3. Install ONES Solution on your server or virtual machine and integrate it with SONiC Fabric network
  4. Design and implement network automation and orchestration solutions using ONES Orchestration tools and libraries

That’s it! Get set to unlock the full potential of ONES Orchestration, the benefits of streamlined NetOps, and limitless possibilities for your organization.


Kuldip Patel


Aviz Welcomes George Tchaparian to Its Technical Advisory Board

Aviz is excited to share that George Tchaparian, CEO at Open Compute Project (OCP) Foundation, has joined our Technical Advisory Board. Tchaparian is a trusted technology executive with more than 30 years of industry experience and countless accomplishments in open networking to his credit. His expertise in collaboration and open innovation, on the commercial side, are key to continuing to make Aviz the trusted partner in the SONiC ecosystem and ensuring we earn a central role in the evolution of open networking through exceptional efforts and outputs. Tchaparian’s guidance will grow the vision and capabilities of Aviz to reach new heights in next generation networking.

"I am honoured and humbled to join the Aviz Technical Advisory Board (TAB). Vishal and the Aviz team have done a remarkable job of helping accelerate the adoption and deployment of SONiC and propel the momentum of Open Networking with Open Source SW and HW. I am a firm believer and an advocate in the Open Disaggregated Solutions and Open Networking Vision. Joining the Aviz TAB will allow me to further that vision with Aviz's talented team and work alongside the Aviz TAB industry leaders, to push new capabilities in AI, Cloud - Far, Mid, Near - Edge, for Access, Enterprise and Data Center, through industry collaboration with more accelerated impact and innovation of Open Source in the IT Ecosystem."

George Tchaparian, CEO at Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP)

Aviz is the trusted partner of choice for SONiC enablement for the enterprise, who is looking to replicate what hyper-scalers have done, and benefit from the open-source NOS in terms of hardware choices, cost savings, and control they can exert on their network when compared to proprietary stacks. Aviz ONES, a key pillar of our multi-vendor SONiC stack, brings new capabilities for enterprises on top of the NOS for orchestration and visibility to utilize information and automation across their entire fabric.

“Look at the epicenter of the open source networking movement and so many of the major advancements in open hardware and software developments and you’ll see George there. His impact in the industry continues to be incredible and it’s an honour to have him on board to help us increase the value of our solutions for customers, trustworthiness for partners, and contributions to the SONiC community. George is a catalyst for positive change, but he’s also a source of outstanding credibility from his accomplishments and community leadership. We’re incredibly happy to have him on the team and to gain his experience and expertise to become an even greater contributor to the entire open networking ecosystem. Welcome, George!”

Vishal Shukla, CEO, Aviz Networks
Aviz Welcomes George Tchaparian to Its Technical Advisory Board

Aviz Welcomes George Tchaparian to Its Technical Advisory Board

Aviz is excited to share that George Tchaparian, CEO at Open Compute Project (OCP) Foundation, has joined our Technical Advisory Board. Tchaparian is a trusted technology executive with more than 30 years of industry experience and countless accomplishments in open networking to his credit. His expertise in collaboration and open innovation, on the commercial side, […]